Wednesday, January 28, 2015

99 Reasons and Yours Won't Be One of Them

I feel like I should elaborate our reasoning for homeschooling.  If nothing else it may be helpful for someone else.

1.  Early Wake-Up Time.  We have to wake up at 6:30 am to catch the bus.  We ride the bus so we aren't tardy.  I don't even have to wake up by 6:30 am to go to work.  The girls are exhausted.  D#2 still sometimes requires a nap.  I know I do.

2.  Sick Days.  We seem to catch every cold that goes around.  Maybe we can cut down on that a little.  Germ-X anyone?  Oh, and don't get me started on head lice.

3.  Homework.  Oh, the homework.  We've been pretty lucky this year with homework.  Our current teachers only send home work that wasn't completed in class.  Reading is their only true homework.  The problem is that D#1 doesn't get her work done in class.  She says she doesn't have enough time.

4.  Packing Lunches.  I hate packing lunches at 7:00 am.  Enough said.

5.  No crowds at our favorite places.  Ever try to go to Target on a Saturday with three kids?  The park?  The Zoo?  Disney World?

6.  Drama.  Bullies.  Peer Pressure.  There's always that one kid on the bus.  That one girl that loves drama.  This kind of "socialization" is not what I want for my girls.

7.  School Clothes and the Dress Code.  No short shorts or tank tops when it's 105* with a heat index of 115* in Oklahoma in August?  No snarky tee shirts because it might offend someone?  Also, no school clothes shopping in August.  Good-bye!

8.  More time with family.  Grandma and Grandpa live close but for how long?  The only time I spend with my girls is telling them to clean up, do homework, and get ready for school.  We hardly have time for fun.

9.  More opportunities for teaching home living.  Gardening, pet care, cooking, cleaning, budgeting, menu planning, bill paying, etc, etc, etc.  Real life stuff, y'all.

10.  No more sending money to school.   Fundraisers, yearbooks, class tee shirts, field trips, parties, school photos.  So long!

11.  No more Fluff.  No more vision screenings that my kids don't need.  No more head lice screenings.  No more sing-a-longs.  No more Jump Rope Man.

12.  No more tests.  The only test I plan on giving is a learning style assessment.  Maybe spelling tests but only because the girls requested them already.  Goodbye, various tests that tell me nothing or what I already know!

13.  Movies.  The girls come home a LOT saying they watched a movie at school.  A movie in PE because the gym was being decorated for a program.  A movie in the library because the Book Fair was going on.  A movie in class because teacher was testing.

14.  Field Trips.  We went on a field trip this year to one of our favorite places.  It was a lot of standing in line and waiting since we had to wait on 200 other kids to see exhibits and use the bathroom.  We hardly saw anything.  Now, we can take ALL DAY to thoroughly explore every nook and cranny.

15.  Lockdowns, Weather, Etc.  I want my kids with me if there is an active shooter or tornado bearing down on our city.  Also, we make our own snow days.

16.  Policies, Policies, and even more Policies.  I know they are there for a reason but when I can't pick up missed work for my kid that has the flu or bring cupcakes for my kid's birthday or check my kid out early without being penalized, or talk to my kid's teacher whenever I want...the list is long.

17.  More time to eat and play.  The lunch hour at school has been reduced to about 40 minutes including recess and standing in line for your food.  Scarf your food down, girls.  We need enough time to run to the playground equipment so we can turn around and come back in.

18.  That parking lot though.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, yes!! I am reading this, and everything you have listed here mirrors my issues with public schooling!!
